How to approve or deny an expense on the web
To approve an expense, click on the expense in your feed, and simply click the blue "Approve" button.
Use filters to create custom reports and bulk approve!
SVB T&E has powerful filtering tools that allow you to drill down to certain group of expenses. Learn how to create custom reports and bulk approve here.
Can I deny corporate card expenses?
We don't give you the option to fully deny corporate card expenses. Since the money has already been spent on the company's card, it's too late to deny the expense. However, if the expense needs more information, you can click the "deny" button, which will allow you to comment on the expense, and send it back to the employee who can edit it and resubmit it.
How to approve an expense on the mobile app
Your expense feed in the mobile app will include the same three sections: Pending Expenses, Approved & Awaiting Payment, and Completed expenses.
Toggle between Admin and Personal tabs in your app to view your team's expenses and your own expenses.
Swipe left to approve multiple expenses at once.
Or, approve expenses individually by clicking into the expense, viewing the details and hitting the Approve button.
To deny an expense, hit "Deny", and add an optional note. The employee will receive an email letting them know why their expense was denied.